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Centre for Free Expression and CFLA Partner to Manage Portal to Report and Access Information on Intellectual Freedom Challenges

Centre for Free Expression and CFLA Partner to Manage Portal to Report and Access Information on Intellectual Freedom Challenges

February 21, 2023

The Centre for Free Expression at Toronto Metropolitan University and the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) announced an agreement in principle to manage a single portal and database for libraries to report and access information on intellectual freedom challenges libraries face to items in their collection, and to displays, programs, room usage, and computer access.

The Centre for Free Expression and its Working Group on Intellectual Freedom currently manage a database of intellectual freedom challenges faced by libraries and a database of Canadian libraries’ policies related to intellectual freedom. The Canadian Federation of Library Associations Intellectual Freedom Committee administers the annual Intellectual Freedom Challenges Survey.

A memorandum of understanding will be signed at a future date.

CFLA and CFE to work together on library challenges database

Toronto — The Canadian Federation of Library Associations and the Centre for Free Expression are pleased to announce an agreement in principle to maintain a joint library challenges database. Libraries will be able to report and access information on intellectual freedom challenges and issues through a single CFLA/CFE portal. The two organizations look forward to signing a Memorandum of Understanding in the near future.

Collaboration entre la FCAB et le CLE pour une base de données sur les défis des bibliothèques

Toronto — La Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (FCAB) et le Centre pour la liberté d’expression (CLE) ont le plaisir d’annoncer la conclusion d’un accord de principe concernant le maintien d’une base de données conjointe sur les défis des bibliothèques. Les bibliothèques pourront ainsi publier et obtenir des renseignements sur les défis et les enjeux liés à la liberté intellectuelle sur un seul portail FCAB/CLE. Les deux organisations comptent signer sous peu un protocole d’entente à cet égard.

(Via Centre for Free Expression and Canadian Federation of Library Associations)

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