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New issue of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (19, no. 3) available

New issue of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (19, no. 3) available

September 20, 2024

Vol 19, No 3 (2024)

Table of Contents


Evidence Summary Theme: Community Engagement
Fiona Inglis

Research Articles

Checking Out Our Workspaces: An Analysis of Negative Work Environment and Burnout Utilizing the Negative Acts Questionnaire and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory for Academic Librarians
Maggie Albro, Rachel Keiko Stark, Kelli Kauffroath

A Survey of Public Library-Led Digital Literacy Training in Canada: Perceptions of Administrators and Instructors
Brian Detlor, Alexander Serenko, Tara La Rose, Heidi Julien

Championing Inclusivity: Underrepresentation of Women in African Academic Leadership and Scholarly Journal Management
Job Mwaura, Dr Dinesh

Finding the Holy Grail of Library Value: Characteristics of Academic Libraries at Universities with High Retention Rates
Ruth Szpunar, Eric Bradley

Evidence Summaries

Korean Immigrant Parents Are Validated in Their Perceptions of Deficits in Library Resources Supporting Korean Immigrants in Three Southeastern Suburban Counties
Christine Fena

Public Libraries May Facilitate More Inclusive Programming with the Collaboration of Trained Partners for Patrons with Dementia
Hilary Jasmin

Recommendations for Academic Health Libraries Outreach and Engagement Programs with Indigenous Peoples at Collaboration and Empowerment Levels: Striving for Empowerment
Maria King

Public Libraries Encouraged to Meet the Health Information Needs of Tribal Women in Bangladesh
Lili Luo

Social Prescribing in a Japanese Community Library Shows Positive Impacts on Participants
Jackie Phinney

Ethnographic Study Found School Library is a Safe Refuge of Solitude for French Urban Middle School Students
Lisa Shen


Call for an Editorial Intern with Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

(Via Evidence Based Library and Information Practice)

EBLIP is a peer reviewed, open access journal published quarterly by the University of Alberta Learning Services. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for librarians and other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to decision making in professional practice. EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics.

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