Save the dates: Government Information Day(s), 2024
September 20, 2024
With a nod to “GovInfo Day (B.C.)”, which occurs every spring, the Ontario Council of University Libraries – Government Information Community (OCUL-GIC) is pleased to announce that it will be hosting this year’s virtual fall/winter “Government Information Day(s), 2024”, sometime during December 17th, 18th & 19th. (Finalized dates & times will be contingent on the number of proposals that come forward, but scheduling will be friendly to all Canadian time zones!)
This is a heads up that in the next week or two, we will be sending out a call for proposals and/or your suggestions for speakers, from anyone interested in government information.
Please consider sharing 10 to 45 minutes of your time and knowledge about government information – on any topic therewithin, and on any jurisdiction! We are looking for lightning talks, presentations, panel discussions, workshops, &/or any other ideas.
Know someone who knows something about government information? (Librarian, archivist, journalist, public servant, scholar, your mother??) Suggest them, too! We can do the legwork of reaching out.
A virtual conference is the perfect opportunity to engage with government information colleagues from across the country and further afield. Let’s learn what librarians, archivists, journalists and scholars are working on (or are concerned about), and let’s celebrate our achievements.
The “Government Information Day(s), 2024” Planning Committee,
Aleksandra Blake
Gabby Crowley
Amber Leahey
Hélène LeBlanc
Agnes Zientarska-Kayko
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