Survey: The Academic Library and Truth & Reconciliation Initiatives
June 17, 2020
Dear colleagues,
I am inviting you to participate in a survey about your library’s engagement with the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Truth and Reconciliation Report and Recommendations (CFLA TRC). Please note that this survey is not being disseminated by CFLA and involves the work of an individual librarian-researcher who is employed at the University of Lethbridge Library. She wishes to acknowledge the importance, meaning, knowledge, and huge amount of work by that went into creating the report and recommendations. Without such a report and its recommendations, this survey would not be possible.
Please follow this link to begin: https://uleth.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8k6SjNrE7bSKaih
- The results of the survey and report will be made publicly available in an open access format.
- You are eligible to participate in this survey if you are currently employed in a library at a Canadian post-secondary institution.
- This survey is open until August 31, 2020.
- This Qualtrics survey is estimated to take approximately ten to fifteen minutes from start to finish. Please answer questions to your comfort level. No names or contact details will be collected. Any possible identifying data will be presented as an aggregate. Please do not put your name anywhere on this survey.
- Participation in this survey is voluntary and is not compensated in any way. Please see the attached Informed Consent statement.
If you are willing, please consider sharing this survey and attached statement of informed consent with academic library colleagues. Questions and concerns about this survey may be sent to Mary Greenshields, the principal investigator, at greemc@uleth.ca .
Thank you for your consideration,
Mary Greenshields
University of Lethbridge Library
Email: greemc@uleth.ca
Telephone: 403.329.2390
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