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News tagged: Academic librarianship

Appel à propositions — Numéro thématique de la Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire : La place de l’enseignement dans le travail des bibliothécaires universitaires

La Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire (Rcbu) invite les contributions à son numéro spécial sur La place de l’enseignement dans le travail des bibliothécaires universitaires.

News September 21, 2022 

CARL Releases Insights Report from its Diversity and Inclusion Study

The study was conducted to gather baseline data on the composition of personnel in CARL libraries, gauge employee feedback on current EDI initiatives, and establish a set of benchmarks against which to evaluate and measure the impact of CARL libraries’ strategies and practices with respect to diversity and inclusion.

News June 3, 2022 

Invitation to Participate in a Study on Experiences in Learning about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

How do academic librarians learn about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion? What makes learning about EDI transformative and impactful? Canadian academic librarians and archivists are invited to participate in a research study on EDI learning experiences.

News January 18, 2022 

Call for Proposals – CJAL Special Issue: Labour and Canadian Academic Libraries

Deadline for proposal submission: Dec. 20, 2021

News November 11, 2021 

Appel à propositions – Numéro thématique de la Rcbu: le travail et les bibliothèques universitaires canadiennes

Date limite de soumission des propositions : 20 décembre 2021

News November 11, 2021 

Invitation to Participate in Research: The Experiences of Academic Librarians on Temporary Contracts Before and During COVID-19

The purpose of the research is to investigate the demographics and career paths of those academic librarians engaged in contract work in Canada and their experiences in these positions regarding training, socialization, and supervision/mentorship.

News September 8, 2021 

May 31 – OCADU Digital Day of Action

On Monday, May 31, 2021, starting at 8:30 am, the post-secondary sector across Ontario and Canada will hold a digital day of action to support the four librarians who have been terminated by OCADU Administration.

News May 29, 2021 

Call for Applications: Kaleidoscope Program

The Kaleidoscope Program recruits MLIS students from historically underrepresented ethnic and racial groups into careers in research libraries and archives.

News April 22, 2021 

CFP: CAPAL 21 Virtual Conference

Theme: EDI in Academic Libraries – How are we doing?

News April 5, 2021 

CARL Releases Strategies and Practices for Hiring and Retaining Diverse Talent

The document provides a set of broad recruitment and retention strategies, each with accompanying suggested practices.

News December 10, 2020