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News tagged: Archives

Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) releases Competency Framework

The Competency Framework outlines competencies generally required in the archives profession. Core competencies provide the foundation of the framework, describing the knowledge and skills needed to achieve professional goals.

News January 7, 2025 

Invitation to participate in research study – The Prevalence of Participatory Archives in Canadian Institutions

This study explores to what extent these contemplative practices are being incorporated by academic librarians into teaching, and their perceived impact/value of these practices.

News December 19, 2024 

Jacqueline Spencer appointed as Archivist of Ontario

Jacqueline Spencer was appointed Archivist of Ontario, effective November 7, 2024, and is the first Black woman to lead the Archives of Ontario.

News November 24, 2024 

Call for Articles: Special Issue of Comma, Archiving for Palestinian Liberation and Global Decolonization

Submissions in any language are invited for a special issue of the International Council on Archives’ journal, Comma, on fighting colonial erasure and archiving against genocide for liberation, decolonization, resurgence, and return in the Global South.

News September 10, 2024 

Call for Abstracts: Preserving Disability: Disability and the Archival Profession

This book aims to address disability, ableism, and accessibility as they intersect with the archival profession—through collection development, archival labor, and accessing historical records.

News March 1, 2022 

A Reconciliation Framework for the Canadian Archival Community

This framework provides a road map of sorts, setting out a vision, foundational principles, and a transformative path forward for the archives profession in Canada.

News February 24, 2022 

New Provincial Archivist of Saskatchewan

Congratulations to Carol Radford-Grant on her appointment as the new Provincial Archivist for Saskatchewan.

News October 1, 2021 

Library and Archive Communities Responses to Consultation on a Modern Framework for Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things

The Canadian library and archives communities last week published responses to the Government of Canada’s Consultation on a Modern Copyright Framework for Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things.

News September 20, 2021 

Community History Web Archiving Program Launches in Canada

The deadline for applications is August 2, 2021.

News June 16, 2021 

IJIDI Special Issue on Diversity, Recordkeeping and Archivy

The latest edition of the International Journal of Information, Diversity and Inclusion (IJIDI) is a theme issue on Diversity, Recordkeeping and Archivy.

News February 21, 2021