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News tagged: Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC)

Libraries On the Hill

A new article in Partnership looks at the kinds of advocacy engaged in by three of Canada’s national library associations, as well as gaps in advocacy themes and practices.

News January 7, 2025 

CULC Releases Safety & Security Toolkit for Public Libraries

This resource offers a menu of ideas libraries can explore while considering the nuances of their community, staff, and library systems.

News February 17, 2024 

Mary Chevreau Appointed Executive Director of CULC

Currently Chief Executive Officer of Kitchener Public Libraries, Mary Chevreau will begin her new role on March 18, 2024.

News January 27, 2024 

News Release: A New Partnership for the Next Phase of Freedom to Read Week

To propel Freedom to Read Week into its next chapter, four influential organizations—Library and Archives Canada, the Canadian Urban Library Council, the Ontario Library Association, and the Book and Periodical Council—have joined forces.

News January 10, 2024 

Communiqué de presse : Nouveau partenariat pour la prochaine étape de la Semaine de la liberté d’expression

Pour entamer le prochain volet de la Semaine de la liberté d’expression, quatre organisations influentes (Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, le Conseil des Bibliothèques Urbaines du Canada, l’Association des bibliothèques de l’Ontario et le Book and Periodical Council) ont uni leurs forces.

News January 10, 2024 

Overdue: The Case for Canada’s Public Libraries

Why investment in public libraries is essential to Canada’s post-pandemic recovery, competitiveness, and resilience

News October 4, 2023 

Canadian Statement on the Decision for IFLA WLIC 2024 to be held in Dubai

“We, the Canadian bodies undersigned, are united in our concern that Dubai has been selected by the Governing Board to be the host of the World Library and Information Congress for 2024.”

News July 4, 2023 

Déclaration canadienne sur la décision de tenir le Congrès de l’IFLA 2024 à Dubaï

« Nous, les organisations canadiennes soussignées, sommes unies dans notre préoccupation quant à la sélection de la Ville de Dubaï par le Conseil d’administration (CA) de l’IFLA pour accueillir le Congrès mondial des bibliothèques et de l’information (WLIC) en 2024. »

News July 4, 2023 

Public Library Leaders Program Now Accepting Applications for 2023–2024

The PLLeaders Program is accepting applications for the 6th PLLeaders cohort that will begin in September 2023 and run until January 2025.

News June 13, 2023 

Canadian Library Community Expresses Support for Ukraine

Canada’s major library associations today issued a joint statement expressing their support for Ukraine and its information professionals.

News March 2, 2022