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Everything tagged: eBooks in Libraries

CFLA Copyright Committee Update (April 2024)

An update on the current activities of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA) Copyright Committee

News April 23, 2024 

Library and GLAM Sector Submissions to 2023 Pre-Budget Consultations

Library and GLAM sector organizations call for federal support for access to e-content, municipal funding, accessible reading material, funding for Library and Archives Canada, Open Educational Resources (OER), and Canadian publishers and booksellers.

News January 30, 2023 

Digital Loans in Canadian Libraries Increased 56% Since 2019

Data from Overdrive, the leading digital reading platform for libraries worldwide, highlight the continued growth of digital loans in Canadian libraries.

News January 14, 2022 

Library and GLAM Sector Submissions to 2022 Pre-Budget Consultations

Library and GLAM sector organizations call for federal support for broadband connectivity, access to e-content, municipal funding, library support for vulnerable populations, accessible reading material, funding for Library and Archives Canada, and Canadian publishers and booksellers.

News January 9, 2022 

Library and GLAM Sector Submissions to 2021 Pre-Budget Consultations

Library and GLAM sector organizations call for federal support for broadband connectivity, access to e-content, municipal funding, library support for vulnerable populations, accessible reading material, and Canadian publishers and booksellers.

News January 4, 2021 

Major Canadian Public Libraries Support ReadersFirst eLending Position Paper

Members of the Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) endorsed theĀ eLending Position Paper developed by ReadersFirst, an organization representing almost 300 libraries, including 36 in Canada.

News October 6, 2020 

Library Community Submissions to 2021 Pre-Budget Consultations

National library organizations call for federal support for broadband connectivity, access to e-content, municipal funding, library support for vulnerable populations, accessible reading material, and Canadian publishers and booksellers.

News September 14, 2020 

North American Elected Officials Send Message to E-Book Publishers: Price Gouging Public Libraries Is Unacceptable

Mayors from major urban jurisdictions sign statement urging e-book publishers to institute equitable and transparent pricing for public libraries

News November 6, 2019 

Election 2019: CULC and #eContentForLibraries

CULC members are being provided with materials to be used for their communications with federal election candidates in advance of the October 21, 2019 federal election.

News September 19, 2019 

CULC, ALA Denounce Macmillan Publishers’ eBook Lending Model

In response to Macmillan Publishers’ announcement of their new library ebook lending model, CULC and ALA have issued statements denouncing the changes and called on Macmillan CEO John Sargent to provide evidence to support claims in its announcements.

News July 28, 2019