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Everything tagged: Intellectual freedom

Recent Library of Parliament Research Publications (July 2018)

The Library of Parliament has released a number of research publications on topics of interest to the library and IM community, including: Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Federal Legislation affecting People with Disabilities

News July 20, 2018 

CFLA National Forum: Video of Keynote, Panel Discussions

Recordings of the keynote and panel discussions are available to members of the Canadian library community who were unable to attend in person.

News May 2, 2018 

CFLA National Forum: Join the Conversation Online

Can’t attend the CFLA National Forum in Regina? Participate online via Facebook Live and share your thoughts on the topics of AI and intellectual freedom.

News April 30, 2018 

An Invitation to the CFLA-FCAB National Forum

The Canadian Federation of Library Associations invites you to Regina, Saskatchewan, for the first CFLA-FCAB National Forum to be held May 1 – 2, 2018.

News April 9, 2018 

CFLA Launches 2017 Intellectual Freedom Challenges Survey

The deadline to submit challenges is March 31, 2018.

News January 12, 2018 

Statement from Toronto City Librarian Vickery Bowles

A statement on the use of the Richview Library for a memorial for Barbara Kulaszka, a lawyer known for her work with far right causes and free speech cases

News July 13, 2017 

2016 Annual Challenges Survey Preliminary Report Released

To date, library staff in four provinces (BC, AB, ON, QC) have reported more than 30 challenges, to censor collections and resources, and access to services.

News March 3, 2017 

Freedom to Read Week

Website: Freedom to Read Week is an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom, which is guaranteed them under the Charter of …

Event February 26, 2017 (Type: Awareness Day/Week/Month) 

Richard Beaudry, Gail Chaddock-Costello Receive the 2016 Award for the Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada

Richard Beaudry and Gail Chaddock-Costello have been chosen as recipients of the 2016 Canadian Library Association (CLA) Award for the Advancement of Intellectual Freedom in Canada.

News February 26, 2016 

IFLA issues Statement on Right to be Forgotten

IFLA calls on members of the library community to participate in policy discussions about the Right to be Forgotten.

News February 25, 2016