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News tagged: SaskLA

Call for Proposals: 2025 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference

The theme for this year’s conference is “Grow with Your Library” which acknowledges the many ways libraries encourage a “growth mindset” by promoting personal development as learners, leaders, and community builders.

News October 16, 2024 

Summer Rider Reading Challenge in Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Library Association and the Saskatchewan Rider Foundation have teamed up to bring Saskatchewan residents an exciting Summer Rider Reading Challenge.

News July 10, 2024 

Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA) launches Advocacy Toolkit for Libraries

This toolkit is intended to reflect and be useful to all types of libraries in the province, and anyone is welcome to use, customize, or distribute these resources!

News July 3, 2024 

Call for Proposals: Saskatchewan Libraries Conference 2022

Conference Theme – Libraries Rise Above

News October 28, 2021 

Registration Open for Manitoba-Saskatchewan Joint Conference

The theme of Libraries: Better Together reflects the essential role of libraries in building and promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equity and providing space for cultural and public engagement.

News April 27, 2021 

Call for Proposals: 2021 Manitoba-Saskatchewan Libraries Conference

The theme for our 2021 conference is Libraries: Better Together, which reflects the essential role of libraries in building and promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equity and providing space for cultural and public engagement.

News March 23, 2021 

Call for Proposals: Saskatchewan Libraries Conference 2020

Conference Theme – Libraries: Building the Future

News November 24, 2019 

Call for Submissions: Saskatchewan Libraries Conference 2019

The theme of the conference for 2019 is Libraries Transform because transformation is essential to the communities we serve.

News October 26, 2018 

Dorothea Warren Joins the Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA) as Executive Director

Dorothea Warren will start her duties as Executive Director on November 15, 2017.

News November 7, 2017 

Call for Presenters: Saskatchewan Libraries Conference 2016

The theme this year, Cooperation Saskatchewan Style: 20 Years of Success, will provide an opportunity for libraries and library workers to explore cooperation between libraries and various other organizations in various contexts and to celebrate their work in providing programs and services.

News November 6, 2015