CFLA Updates: AGM, Truth and Reconciliation, Guidelines/Position Papers, CLA Book Awards Collection
December 2, 2016
The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA-FCAB) today published updates on several files:
Annual General Meeting
The CFLA will hold its first Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at the Ontario Library Association (OLA) Superconference in Toronto. Agenda items at the meeting will include:
- Updates on the Federation’s first nine months
- Election of the first Board of Directors
- Financial reports
- Reports from the CFLA committees
- Setting directions for the next year
Truth and Reconciliation
The Federation has established a Truth and Reconciliation Committee with to promote initiatives in all types of libraries to advance reconciliation by supporting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and to promote collaboration in these issues across the Canadian library communities.
The committee will deliver a report to the new Board in February recommending further actions that CFLA-FCAB should consider to support Indigenous (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) peoples of Canada over the long term.
The committee is divided into four teams:
Black Team (Lead: Monique Woroniak; Alternate Lead: Patricia Knockwood)
- Focus: Compiling Best Practices already in existence in regard to Indigenous (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) peoples of Canada
White Team (Lead: John Pateman; Alternate Lead: Jenna Walsh)
- Focus: Providing a gap analysis on the TRC Calls to Action to better determine what has already been done to meet the Calls, what needs to be done and how the CFLA can best undertake the action needed to implement the Calls to Action.
Yellow Team (Lead: Feather Maracle; Alternate Lead: Anne Carr-Wiggin)
- Focus: Creating relationship with existing committees & working group and liaison with the proposed National Aboriginal Librarian Association (NALA)
Red Team (Lead: Jessie Loyer; Alternate Lead: Michael Dudley)
- Focus: Moving to the future and the decolonization of libraries and library practices. As such, the team will be looking at Access and Classification, Indigenous Knowledge Protection, Outreach and Service, and Decolonizing Libraries and Space.
Guidelines and Position Papers
The CFLA Interim Board completed a review of the Canadian Library Association’s Guidelines and Position Papers, including a number of documents in progress at the time of CLA’s dissolution.
The updated documents (position papers and guidelines) were published to the CFLA in English with French texts to follow.
Members of the Canadian library community are invited to review these publications and provide any feedback you may have on the content to feedback@cfla-flab.ca by December 31.
CLA Book Awards Collection
The Canadian Library Association Book Awards Collection has been transferred to Ryerson University.
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