New Issue of The iJournal Published
April 26, 2024
The iJournal is an open-access academic journal run by graduate students at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information.
The iJournal publishes issues containing both student work and conference proceedings two to three times per year. In September 2021, The iJournal broadened the range of students who can submit work to include Bachelor of Information students within the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. As of January 2023, The iJournal further expanded its scope to accept submissions from information and museum students from all Canadian universities.
The 2023-24 Editor-in-Chief of Pathfinder is Julia Hayes.
Vol 9, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor
Julia Hayes
“Knowing these stories”: Information Behaviours of a Socially Conscious Dance Music Community
Cay del Junco
Where Are the Scientists? Representation of Students with Science Backgrounds in MLIS Programs in Canada
Charles J. Woodford
An Exploration of An Introduction to the Latin Tongue: Material Bibliography of an 18th-Century Book Copy
Risa de Rege
“The inalienable right to know”: Continued Barriers to Archival Access for Indigenous Communities in Post-Truth and Reconciliation Commission Canada
Christian Brodersen
Behind the Paywall: Community, Labour, and Information Sharing on OnlyFans
Emily Coneybeare
“What le phoque?!”: How Bilingual Office Workers Prepare French-Language Emails
Aleksandar Golijanin
(Food) Hoarding: The Displaced Persons’ Act of Collecting Archival Memory and Trauma
Lenora Huỳnh
Planting The Seed: The Svalbard Global Seed Vault as an Archive in the Face of Uncertain Futures
Rebecca Grigoli
(Via The iJournal)
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