uAlberta School of Library and Information Studies MLIS Program Reaccredited to 2020
July 3, 2013
Colleagues, it is my great honor to provide here a copy of correspondence received yesterday relating to the recent review of the University of Alberta, School of Library and Information Studies and the decision of the American Library Association, Committee on Accreditation (COA) “…to grant continued accreditation status to the program leading to the degree of Master of Library and Information Studies…“, for the period ending in 2020.
As outgoing Director of SLIS, it is my pleasure to thank all those involved in the journey of the past eighteen (18) months. In particular I thank SLIS faculty and staff for their profound engagement in the accreditation process. I thank our students for being also engaged but for being the best spokespersons imaginable for the SLIS program. To our alumni and the library and information communities of practice, I am forever grateful for your ongoing support. And finally, but in particular I would thank Brianna Erban for her dedication and especially hard and laborious work as the SLIS Accreditation Administrator.
BRAVO to all. SLIS is a great School, with a great program, overseen by great faculty, with great and supportive staff, yielding a great product which contributes the highest quality of practitioner placed into respective LIS communities. It has been my delight to have been associated with the School.
Profound regards to all, and my best wishes for your career and future contributions.
Ernie Ingles
Vice-Provost, and
Director, School of Library and Information Studies (past)
University of Alberta
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