Union of B.C. Municipalities (UBCM) resolutions on public libraries and funding
September 21, 2024
Municipal leaders attending the Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ (UBCM) 2024 Convention debated several resolutions on public libraries and their funding, endorsing two resolutions calling for sustainable funding of library services.
EB63 Sustainable and Equitable Funding of Library Services
Submitted by: Port Alberni
Whereas public libraries play a vital role in communities by providing access to resources, promoting literacy, supporting job seekers and small businesses, advancing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and promoting equity and inclusion;
And whereas public libraries in British Columbia are primarily funded by levies paid by local governments, and provincial funding for libraries has remained stagnant; while the costs to deliver library services and the demand for library services have increased exponentially over time:
Therefore be it resolved that UBCM appeal to the Province of British Columbia to provide long-term sustainable funding for public libraries in BC;
And be it further resolved that the Province ensures that BC libraries receive regular increases to provincial government funding in subsequent years.
NR67 Provincial Core Funding for Evolving Public Libraries
Submitted by: Nanaimo City, Oak Bay, Powell River, qathet RD
Whereas core funding for public libraries in British Columbia has remained unchanged since 2009, limiting their ability to expand and evolve their programming as demand for their services increases;
And whereas the operational requirements of public libraries increasingly require significant and diverse resources to provide front-line community services, including supporting patrons with mental health and addiction issues as well as barriers to housing, providing critical locations of refuge during extreme weather events, providing services to new Canadians, and supporting the process of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples:
Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to recognize the evolving and challenging situation for public libraries as well as their unique role as community spaces, and increase annual core funding for libraries to $30 million in keeping with the request made by the BC Public Library Partners and the recommendation of the province’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services;
And be it further resolved that this increase in core funding be increased on a yearly basis in keeping with cost of living and inflationary pressures.
Endorsed as Amended
Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to recognize the evolving and challenging situation for public libraries as well as their unique role as community spaces, and increase annual core funding for libraries to $30 million in keeping with the request made by the BC Public Library Partners and the recommendation of the province’s Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services;
And be it further resolved that this increase in core funding be increased on a yearly basis in keeping with cost of living and inflationary pressures.
Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the provincial government to recognize the evolving and challenging situation for public libraries as well as their unique role as community spaces by establishing an Advisory Body per section 52(1) of the Library Act, the objectives of which will be to:
1. Undertake a review of core annual provincial funding of public libraries in the Canadian context;
2. Make recommendations to the Minister with respect to core, sustainable funding approaches for BC’s public library sector.
NR103 Reactivation of Public Library Association Model
Submitted by: New Denver
Whereas many BC libraries are currently operating efficiently under the ‘grandfathered’ Public Library Association model;
And whereas BC libraries not currently operating under the PLA model but wishing to, are not allowed to apply:
Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of BC reactivate the Public Library Association model
Referred to UBCM Executive
RR29 Core Funding for BC Libraries
Submitted by: New Denver
Whereas BC’s libraries have become the widely acknowledged “go to” place for programs and services that support community cohesion and resilience, connecting and equipping residents to survive and thrive as BC adapts to a fast-changing economy, social conditions and climate change;
And whereas BC’s libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to meet these new challenges while relying on intermittent, sporadic and unpredictable funding:
Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of BC implement budgeted annual core funding for BC libraries.
Not Admitted for Debate
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