NRC-CISTI Transformation Update
April 10, 2010
An update on changes to CISTI as a result of the NRC Strategic Review exercise.
Major Survey About Quebec Libraries Released
November 13, 2009
« Selon les Québécois, les bibliothèques offrent un environnement très agréable (8,0/10) et sont trèsfacilement accessibles (8,0/10). »
News Release: NRC-CISTI and Infotrieve Collaboration
October 7, 2009
Infotrieve, Inc will be collaborating with NRC-CISTI to provide document delivery services for its clients and business partners.
Governor General’s Message for Canadian Library Month
September 30, 2009
Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean
Libraries Help Drive Economic Recovery
May 20, 2009
Investments in libraries pay long-term dividends in having an economically stronger, more socially inclusive community
Daniel J. Caron Appointed Librarian and Archivist of Canada
April 24, 2009
Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced today the appointment of Daniel J. Caron as Librarian and Archivist of Canada, effective April 25, 2009.
Librarian and Archivist of Canada Retiring
April 16, 2009
Ian Wilson, the Librarian and Archivist of Canada, will be retiring effective April 24th 2009.
Records Management Institute | Institut de gestion des documents
March 27, 2009
The Records Management Institute (RMI) will be closing its doors in June 2009.
More on cuts at CISTI
March 4, 2009
As a result of the NRC Strategic Review, NRC-CISTI will be transforming the delivery models of the Information Intelligence Services and National Science Library Programs.
From FIS to iSchool
June 28, 2008
Effective June 30, 2008, the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information Studies will be known as the Faculty of Information.
Saskatchewan Budget Cuts to Libraries
April 8, 2017On March 22, 2017, the Government of Saskatchewan tabled a provincial budget which: eliminated the provincial operating grant of $1.3 million for municipal library systems in Regina and Saskatoon; and …
Refugee Resources in the Library
March 5, 2016Our new feature, Opening the Library Doors in Welcome, will highlight how libraries across Canada are supporting Syrian refugees. New collections, services and programs are creating a more inviting space …
Invitation to complete the 2016 National Salary Survey
February 1, is pleased to invite you to complete the 2016 National Salary Survey of Library and Information Management Professionals.
Coming Soon! 2016 National Salary Survey
January 26, is excited to announce our upcoming National Library and Information Management Professionals Salary Survey (2016).
Canadian Library Association (CLA) Announces Plan to Dissolve
December 18, 2015The CLA Executive Council has announced a Special General Meeting on January 27, 2016 to vote on the dissolution of the Association.
November 1, 2015 1 is a new, not-for-profit organization started to support and strengthen our community and advance its information professionals. We do this by providing opportunities for learning, information exchange, collaboration, and networking. Through this …
Consultation: Toward a Federation of Library Associations in Canada
October 16, 2015An invitation to provide feedback on the proposal to create a national federation of library associations called the Canadian Federation of Library Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA/FCAB).