CUPE Saskatchewan Library Workers Survey on Workplace Violence and Harassment
July 10, 2022
CUPE Saskatchewan is conducting a provincial survey of library workers to better determine the extent of violence and harassment in workplaces.
CFLA Issues Guidance on Responding to “Notices of Personal Liability”
July 7, 2022
The CFLA Intellectual Freedom Committee this week released guidance for public libraries that receive a form letter titled Notice of Personal Liability.
LAC Vision 2030: Library and Archives Canada Releases New Strategic Plan
July 4, 2022
Vision 2030 defines the institution’s goals until 2030 and the measures through which it is planning to accomplish them.
Shelved Announces Series Leads
June 29, 2022 1 comment
The cast includes Lyndie Greenwood, Chris Sandiford, Dakota Ray Hebert, and Paul Braunstein
Lost & Found Index
June 18, 2022 1 comment
In the last year, Uber Canada riders have left behind a sub, a tiramisu cake, as well as a number of phones, wallets, and keys.
What are some commonly forgotten items in your library? What are some unique or unusual items left behind?
New Issue of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Available
June 18, 2022
Vol 17, No 2 (2022)
IFLA North America Copyright Survey
June 18, 2022
The IFLA North America Regional Division Committee is conducting a survey to help understand what topics library workers and leaders are interested in updates about in relation to copyright and international activities.
Call for Participants: Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Youth Advisory Council 2022-2023
June 13, 2022
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is inviting Canadians aged aged 16 to 25 to join its 2022-2023 Youth Advisory Council on Service Transformation to help transform its services to the public.
Call for Participants: UBC Study on Intellectual Freedom and Medical Disinformation
June 13, 2022
Researchers at the University of British Columbia, in partnership with BCLA, are conducting a study titled, “Balancing intellectual freedom and medical disinformation in Canadian libraries.”
Shelved: “Like The Office, but in a library.”
June 11, 2022 3 comments
“Set in the Jameson Public Library in Toronto’s Parkdale neighbourhood, Shelved is a single-camera, workplace comedy that follows the employees and patrons as they go about their lives in this unassuming and extraordinary place.”
Saskatchewan Budget Cuts to Libraries
April 8, 2017On March 22, 2017, the Government of Saskatchewan tabled a provincial budget which: eliminated the provincial operating grant of $1.3 million for municipal library systems in Regina and Saskatoon; and …
Refugee Resources in the Library
March 5, 2016Our new feature, Opening the Library Doors in Welcome, will highlight how libraries across Canada are supporting Syrian refugees. New collections, services and programs are creating a more inviting space …
Invitation to complete the 2016 National Salary Survey
February 1, is pleased to invite you to complete the 2016 National Salary Survey of Library and Information Management Professionals.
Coming Soon! 2016 National Salary Survey
January 26, is excited to announce our upcoming National Library and Information Management Professionals Salary Survey (2016).
Canadian Library Association (CLA) Announces Plan to Dissolve
December 18, 2015The CLA Executive Council has announced a Special General Meeting on January 27, 2016 to vote on the dissolution of the Association.
November 1, 2015 1 is a new, not-for-profit organization started to support and strengthen our community and advance its information professionals. We do this by providing opportunities for learning, information exchange, collaboration, and networking. Through this …
Consultation: Toward a Federation of Library Associations in Canada
October 16, 2015An invitation to provide feedback on the proposal to create a national federation of library associations called the Canadian Federation of Library Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA/FCAB).