CFLA, Intellectual Freedom, and the Canadian Library Community
September 22, 2021
CFLA’s response to an Open Letter to the CFLA Board on Intellectual Freedom, signed by members of the Canadian library community in response to the CFLA’s statement regarding challenges to the book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.
Library and Archive Communities Responses to Consultation on a Modern Framework for Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things
September 20, 2021
The Canadian library and archives communities last week published responses to the Government of Canada’s Consultation on a Modern Copyright Framework for Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things.
CFLA Releases Federal Election 2021 Information Package
September 16, 2021
The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA), in partnership with their government relations firm (Impact Public Affairs), has released several elections-related documents, including overviews of the major party platforms, summaries of the English and French language debates, and a one-pager of key library issues.
Government Information Day(s) 2021: Coast to Coast! Save the Dates!
September 9, 2021
The event is tentatively scheduled for 14, 15 and 16 December.
Invitation to Participate in Research: The Experiences of Academic Librarians on Temporary Contracts Before and During COVID-19
September 8, 2021
The purpose of the research is to investigate the demographics and career paths of those academic librarians engaged in contract work in Canada and their experiences in these positions regarding training, socialization, and supervision/mentorship.
Elections Toolkit for Accessible Book Funding in Canada
September 8, 2021
NNELS and CELA have released a federal elections toolkit to help supporters connect with and educate candidates about accessible reading.
Canada’s Museums and Election 2021
September 4, 2021
Canada’s national, provincial and territorial museums associations are calling on federal political parties to commit to updating Canada’s 30-year-old national museum policy and asking party leaders to share their vision for Canada’s museums prior to election day.
Library and Archives Canada Announces Funding for 19 Projects to Digitize and Preserve Indigenous Language and Culture Recordings
August 13, 2021
Nineteen Indigenous organizations will receive funding from LAC’s Listen, Hear Our Voices initiative to digitize and make accessible their existing audio and video heritage.
Rebecca Jones In Conversation With Salvy Trojman and Stephen Rhind-Tutt
August 9, 2021
A discussion about what’s next for the Canadian Electronic Library and plans for Trojman Corp to distribute and develop digital content for the Canadian market.
Ādisōke: Telling Stories at the New Ottawa Public Library / Library and Archives Canada Joint Facility
August 5, 2021
Ādisōke is an Anishinābemowin word that refers to the telling of stories.
Saskatchewan Budget Cuts to Libraries
April 8, 2017On March 22, 2017, the Government of Saskatchewan tabled a provincial budget which: eliminated the provincial operating grant of $1.3 million for municipal library systems in Regina and Saskatoon; and …
Refugee Resources in the Library
March 5, 2016Our new feature, Opening the Library Doors in Welcome, will highlight how libraries across Canada are supporting Syrian refugees. New collections, services and programs are creating a more inviting space …
Invitation to complete the 2016 National Salary Survey
February 1, is pleased to invite you to complete the 2016 National Salary Survey of Library and Information Management Professionals.
Coming Soon! 2016 National Salary Survey
January 26, is excited to announce our upcoming National Library and Information Management Professionals Salary Survey (2016).
Canadian Library Association (CLA) Announces Plan to Dissolve
December 18, 2015The CLA Executive Council has announced a Special General Meeting on January 27, 2016 to vote on the dissolution of the Association.
November 1, 2015 1 is a new, not-for-profit organization started to support and strengthen our community and advance its information professionals. We do this by providing opportunities for learning, information exchange, collaboration, and networking. Through this …
Consultation: Toward a Federation of Library Associations in Canada
October 16, 2015An invitation to provide feedback on the proposal to create a national federation of library associations called the Canadian Federation of Library Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA/FCAB).