uAlberta MLIS Student Wins 2016 IFLA LIS Student Paper Award
May 23, 2016
Earlier this month, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Education and Training Section (SET) announced that Martha Attridge Bufton is the winner of this year’s IFLA LIS Student Paper Award.
Martha, a MLIS student at the University of Alberta’s School of Library and Information Studies, will receive her award for the paper “Tell more stories: Information seeking, information literacy and the design of a culturally responsive instruction program for first-year Aboriginal students” at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday, August 16, 2016.
IFLA Press Release
The IFLA Education and Training Section (SET) is pleased to announce the winner of the
IFLA Library and Information Science (LIS)
Student Paper Award 2016The IFLA LIS Student Paper Award, which is sponsored by IFLA Education and Training Section, aims to encourage LIS students from across the world to submit a paper that addresses the current IFLA World Library and Information Congress theme and to then reward the best student paper submission. Beyond this, the award gives LIS students the chance to learn more about IFLA activities and encourages the new generation of LIS professionals to participate in IFLA activities.
The prize for the winner of the IFLA LIS Student Paper Award 2016 includes a grant up to 1000 € to support travel and accommodation costs and the IFLA conference fee, enabling the winner to participate in the IFLA Congress 2016. The prize also includes the recommendation for the winning paper to be published in the IFLA Journal.
This year, as first placed winner the selection panel chose the paper of:
Martha Attridge Bufton
School of Library and Information Studies,
University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaHer paper is on the topic: “Tell more stories: Information seeking, information literacy and the design of a culturally responsive instruction program for first-year Aboriginal students”
Martha will present her paper at the Conference Session 198, IFLA Indigenous Matters Section “Sustaining the circle of knowledge: With your contribution and my contribution, indigenous communities thrive!” 17th August 2016, 09:30–11:30, Conference Room C213-215
The award will be presented to Martha at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Columbus, Ohio, Session 140, Special Presentation of Awards Session, held on Tuesday, 16 Aug 2016, 12:45–13:45, Expo Pavilion / Tech Lab.
The criteria for the IFLA LIS Student Paper Award have been developed to measure the quality and relevance of the student papers, focusing on:
- Relationship to the theme of the IFLA Congress and the sub theme/s of the relevant Section,
- Relevant discussion of current issues in the topic field including reference to appropriate literature,
- Quality of ideas, research methods, results or argument,
- Quality of writing and referencing.
Congratulations to this year’s winner!
For further information, please contact Petra Hauke (Berlin, Germany), corresponding member of the IFLA SET Standing Committee and contact person for the IFLA LIS Student Paper Award: petra.hauke@hu-berlin.de
IFLA Education and Training Section (SET): http://www.ifla.org/en/set
IFLA LIS Student Paper Award: http://www.ifla.org/en/set/student-paper-award
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