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News tagged: Surveys

Survey for Library Staff on Accessibility in Canadian Public Libraries

This survey is part of a collaborative project, funded by the Government of Canada, co-led by NNELS and CELA, in partnership with eBOUND, to create a consolidated nation-wide Library Resource Centre (website) focusing on awareness and training for library staff on understanding the importance of accessibility in public libraries.

News May 26, 2021 

Survey of Visible Minority Librarians in Canada

This survey will help ViMLoC identify visible minority librarians’ needs and propose projects to empower them in their current positions or their future career development, such as mentorship programming, leadership training, and networking opportunities.

News January 22, 2021 

Survey about Born-Digital Collections in Canadian Archives

The purpose of this study is to assess the current state of digital holdings in Canadian and international archives and cultural institutions.

News November 18, 2020 

Call for participation: Patron-Perpetrated Sexual Harassment in Libraries Survey

You are being invited to participate in this survey because we want to collect a wide range of perspectives on this issue from persons working across all sectors of the library, in a variety of roles, and who have a variety of experiences.

News September 22, 2020 

Call for participation — Survey: Community College Librarians’ Research Practices

The purpose of this study is to gather information about community or junior college librarians’ experiences as research investigators, about their experience publishing or presenting about their research projects, about barriers they may have experienced, and about institutional supports for this activity that may have been available to them.

News August 25, 2020 

Survey: The Academic Library and Truth & Reconciliation Initiatives

This survey is open until August 31, 2020.

News June 17, 2020 

Enquête : La bibliothèque universitaire et les initiatives de vérité et de réconciliation

Cette enquête est ouverte du 1er juin au 31 août 2020

News June 17, 2020 

Reading Bestsellers Survey

You are invited to participate in this research study about the types of books that you read, how you choose them and whether or not you share your thoughts about reading with anyone.

News February 16, 2020 

Survey on Orientation Sessions in Special Libraries

How does your special library or information center address new client / user orientations?

News February 8, 2020 

Survey: Perceptions of Librarians on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistants

The purpose of the survey is to understand the relationship between librarians in Canada and the US and their understanding of AI in the workplace.

News July 23, 2019